lunes, junio 29, 2009

Para que pensar si ya hay quien lo hizo por mi?

Desde que empezó he tratado de escribir algo coherente de True Blood, pero no he podido... asi que más bien voy a citar y citar y citar... ( creo que son solo dos citas xD)

Primero los adelantos del capítulo que viene, que no va a ser transmitido este domingo porque es un 4 de julio u.U

Ala que dejen la payasada y que me hagan el favor de convertir a Lafayette en vampiro, nadie podría ser un vampiro mejor, que Eric deje de estar fastidiando a Sookie y se le declare a Lafayette, asi debería ser la historia xD.

Ahora vamos con citas de Anne Rice: (sacado de aqui)

“Q: What do you think about the direction that the vampire legend has taken over the past few years?”

ON Twilight Ms. Rice States: “I am intrigued by the direction the vampire legend has taken. I think the teen vampire romance, Twilight, was a curious film in many respects, one obviously made for 12 year olds, and it presents a very tame picture of the vampire and one that does not entirely make sense. We are to believe that a group of immortals choose to life in a tiny town rather than a metropolis, and that they go to high school over and over again, which certainly sounds horrible. But obviously this appeals to very young kids and the vampire, Edward, is charming, and strong, and is a powerful metaphor for the outsider and also he represents what teenagers dream of: a boyfriend who is really deep and caring and powerful and protective. In a way, it is about a young girl’s desire for an older man.”

As for True Blood:
True Blood, the HBO series, is infinitely more complex. The show is clever, satirical and yet deeply involving. It is full of humor and yet its characters have tender and emotional scenes. I find it very engaging and fun to watch. Obviously it has too much sex and violence for very young teens. But for an adult audience, it is an amazing development in the vampire mythology, putting the vampires right into the mainstream of the modern world. I like the show. I think the vampire Bill is the usual metaphor for the outsider and the sensitive outcast who suffers. He’s excellent.”
Y como siempre anita tiene la razón: Twilight no tiene sentido y Bill es como Louis: super emo xD.

Ahora vamonos con las citas de Stephen Moyer (sabias que a Stephen le tenían prohibido salir al sol durante la primera temporada, es por eso que en los videos de TMZ no saca ni un dedo de la limusina al firmar autografos xD).

The depicter of vampire Bill Compton on the HBO series "True Blood", Stephen Moyer, recently gushed about fellow vampire portrayer . "He's a pussy! He's the Slim-Fast, Diet Coke of vampires," Moyer testified.

Ala es que para que esforzarme escribiendo algo si tengo gente que piensa por mi:

TRUE BLOOD was one the biggest surprises for genre fans last year. While vampires are a genre staple they'd stuck in the teeny-bopper crypt. The vampire genre got Buffy'd, it got Cullen'd, relegated to the domain of sad, awkward fangirls and the shower-deprived boys that love them. Who would have thought TRUE BLOOD would be any different? Not if you've read the novels. The Charlaine Harris penned books are remarkably silly as I discovered when I tried to read one after falling for the series. I remember the moment I knew TRUE BLOOD was something different. It came when I asked a young TWILIGHT fan if they were following the show. "Oh...I watched it once, mom won't let me watch that show anymore." Thank you Alan Ball, the talent behind AMERICAN BEAUTY and SIX FEET UNDER. Finally a show about vampires that's not just super sexy and adult oriented, but also a lot of fun without being irritating. So, how's it holding up in it's second season?

Ala y esto del jardin me esta matando... cuando dejaran de traer infantes a la casa? y no poder acostarme aqui por el temor a que el instinto campesino se rebele con su endogamia??? xD

Y creo que eso es todo... no quiero mandar hojas de vida a ningun lado :S

1 comentario:

  1. Esta es una de mis favoritas HBO SERIES , tiene todo lo necesario para conectar a la audiencia, drama, misterio, vampiros, fantasía, pasión y acción. Soy una fiel televidente y no me la pierdo.
